Subscription Information

Contra the Heard is an investment newsletter published four times a year: in mid-January, April, July and October. It is an electronic publication sent in a PDF via email. A subscription includes receiving one copy of each quarterly newsletter to make four per year.

In addition, subscribers will receive e-mail updates. The majority of emails occur when a stock is bought or sold. In a calendar year, we typically send between 20 and 35 updates.

Subscribers will receive a renewal letter with their final newsletter. The subscription completes three months after the date of publication of the final newsletter.

Subscription Rates

1-year subscription
2-year subscription
3-year subscription
Canadian Subscribers
$679 CAD + tax
$1,239 CAD + tax
$1,799 CAD + tax
US and International Subscribers
$679 USD
$1,239 USD
$1,799 USD

Upon receipt of your payment, we will confirm by email that you have been added to our subscription list. Taxes will be tabulated for you automatically after clicking the PROCEED button below.

We offer three methods of payment.

  • Pay by e-Transfer
  • Pay Online by Credit Card
  • Pay by Cheque

You can select your payment type in the form below.

We will refund unused portions of a subscription for six months after a subscription has started. After this six-month period no refunds are given.

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